An Interview with Life Coach, Author, and “Sistah”, Christine Spencer


It all started about a week ago, with me sending a Direct Message on Twitter. This was the time that I had my initial contact with Life Coach (focusing on the well-being of women), author, and enthusiast, Christine Spencer. In complete honesty, I wasn’t expecting a response to my message, at least not so promptly. Not because Christine didn’t seem like a wonderful person, but mainly because people just don’t seem to have much time for others these days. You see, I was asking her to share some inspiration and wisdom with Most Life Sarah readers. This isn’t necessarily a simple task, but I was still hoping for the best! A brief moment into my hope, I received a more than enthusiastic response from Christine saying that she would be delighted to help! This was also the first time I learned about her love for the use of smiley faces ツ. Christine includes them quite often in her typing, causing me to find a smile across my own face.

All of our e-mail exchanges throughout the week were kind-hearted, encouraging, and professional. That’s just how Christine Spencer seems to come across in everything that she does. It’s no wonder her book “Your Roots are Showing” currently holds a perfect, five-star rating on Many of her book reviews even mention how once one begins reading “Your Roots are Showing”, it’s nearly impossible to stop. One particular reviewer, Kathleen Douglas, writes: “This book has attitude, personality and a quirky spark that only Chris has! I loved reading this book and it is something I will continue to reference throughout my life!” (WOW! Throughout her entire life!)

With nothing but positive praise on the insight Christine Spencer offers others, I was beyond eager to receive her reply to the interview questions I sent via e-mail. After having read, and reread Spencer’s interview responses, all I can say is this:

Please do yourself the favor of taking the time to read through her thoughtful responses here. Not only if you are in a state of struggle, but just because this is such an empowering interview. I truly feel like Christine’s advice will improve your outlook on loving yourself, loving others, and your perspective on attitude.


Q & A Session with Christine


 Q: At what point in your life did you decide Life Coaching was the path for you?

A: I have always felt the need inside to help people recognize their strengths and potential, exceptionally women, because I am one.

Many years ago, I worked for a corporation structured business, and during this time, it became clear to me that Life Coaching was a path I wanted to pursue. While designing training programs for this company, I was fascinated with how people in any area think and behave. I began studying psychology and behavioral change. This learning and studies helped me in my career of training, motivation and accountability, (nowadays, known as ‘coaching’). In this job I was in charge of leading approximately forty people in my department; having the opportunity to work with some amazing people, and yet, had no idea how incredible they truly were… that they contributed with great significance and worth.

No matter what you do in life, whether it is raising children, making seven figures, a front line key employee or entrepreneur… it all comes down to this; how we feel and think about ourselves.

A “Life Coach” can be defined in many different ways. Earlier in my career my definition might have been “helping others to achieve goals, dreams and desires”. But over time it has become much more than that, and I tend to look at things differently. Now, it is like a fire inside me… I am on a personal mission to inspire women in a movement of self-love and self-worth.

I’m passionate and an eternal optimist, and these traits allow me to live my purpose. Even though I’m still on my own journey of discovery, I have realized I have a gift; an innate ability to meet, relate to, and inspire people to achieve a higher quality of life, and to help others realize their own potential.

I can tell you this, Sarah. During my burnout recovery, I trained as a Life Coach and discovered, that each of us have our own ‘rock bottom’ (our story), our defining moment of courage. It is at these exact moments that ultimately lead us to our destination, our purpose in life.

I think back to all my trials and tribulations…I struggled, a lot, again and again! I feel strongly about trusting, it is all a part of the journey, our lessons. Some of these challenges will test our courage, strength, weaknesses, and faith. Along the way, we will stumble upon obstacles that lead us in a different direction; sometimes these hurdles are really a blessing in disguise (only we don’t realize that at the time). We must be brave enough to stand ‘rooted’ in the wisdom that there are no accidents and that everything is exactly as it should be. Today, I live in the moment. Every circumstance or situation is an opportunity to grow and learn, a chance to recognize our worth.

Life Coaching allows me to make a difference in helping others.

Q: Your book “Your Roots are Showing” has touched many women’s lives, why do you think that is?

A: Inspiration and encouragement are two words that come to the forefront.
These stories are a captivating collection of personal challenges, tragedies and triumphs; “Your Roots Are Showing” provides emotive insight and reflection surrounding real life experiences. The book is a compilation of real stories from real women sharing their most poignant, profound experiences. When shared, these stories substantiate the common bond of awareness to the pain of others, that brings back to the “root” of why we are all here – to learn from each other and ourselves. We all have stories, but to be heard brings a certain validation, purity and honesty to others.
Enthusiasm is one of those rare qualities that is genuinely transformative. I am definitely an Enthusiast ツ I have faith in people, empathy and compassion. So how amazing it would be that when we tell our story, we help ease the sorrow and pain? Through the sharing process, we heal ourselves, and help others find strength and solace. The purpose for “YRAS” is to make people feel like they’re not alone and not to give up hope.
Q: Women face numerous societal pressures. Is there a way to minimize the effect these attitudes may have on one’s self?
A: As women, we tend to not take care of ourselves, putting everyone else’s needs before our own. I am a big believer in you must love yourself first, before you can love another. Although peer-pressure may manifest negativity, conformity can be good or bad. We must trust ourselves to make choices that are in our best interest. “For many years I have been researching and experimenting, realizing that my belief system is what controls outcomes in my life. Is it a belief of a fact? Many of us take our beliefs and turn them into facts in our mind, and this can be the biggest issue in our lives and controlling outcomes. It is important to distinguish a belief from a fact.”
Every woman wears a ‘super cape’…don’t forget to love your badass with all its ‘perfect imperfections.’
Personal power is an inner awareness that makes us feel in control of our lives. It is a knowing that we can achieve goals, a conviction about who we are and our ability to get the things we want in life. We are empowered, giving us strength and clarity, feeling alive.
Ignore the critic; only mediocrity is safe from ridicule. Dare to be different.
As said so eloquently by the late, brilliant, Steve Jobs; “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your inner voice. And most importantly have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”
Q: What does “sisterhood” mean to you, and how can it be practiced?
A: Sisterhood to me means, the solidarity of women based on shared conditions, experiences and courage. It is sharing a safe place without judgment. It is girl-power. A reminder that the bond of strong sisterhood and girl-power can carry you through any challenges life throws our way! It means being there for each other, through the struggles we all face as we grow and we’re stronger for it. Sisterhood is the essence of the wisdom of all ages distilled into a single word. It is unconditional love, with no judgment. It is encouragement and celebration.
As the saying goes, “Don’t judge someone until you have walked a mile their shoes” – the ability to comprehend another person’s actions and emotions, basically it’s a switch in perspective; to develop empathy and compassion, discovering similarities not differences. I have worked all my life on two important things in life; I feel imperative to attain – Judgment and Forgiveness.
“Women who understand how powerful they are do not give into envy over meaningless things; instead they fight to maintain the beautiful bond of the sisterhood. There are the real women who know that we need each other’s love and support to survive in this world. Love is the essence of being a woman. We must be that light of love that seals the bond and unique beauty or our sisterhood.” – Bindu
We journey through life; going through trials and tribulations…I cannot begin to imagine not having the love and support of all my Sistah’s.
Q: The “Most Life Sarah” blog focuses on making the “MOST out of LIFE” through healthy habits. How is trying to maintain an active lifestyle related to being happy?
A: Having a healthy outlook on life and a positive attitude is one of the best self-care strategies you can practice. Health consciousness transforms how we feel about ourselves. I believe an active lifestyle encourages confidence, which allows us to become our best selves. A daily reflection of gratitude and appreciation also goes a long way toward improving your self-care, your self-worth, and your whole life!
Give yourself permission to add self-care to your life. It’s OK for it to be all about you sometimes. Think of self-care as any other act of nurturing to help enhance your level of health, wellness and happiness. And consider this in all areas of your life – physical, mental, social, spiritual and financial.
“Live life with passion and enthusiasm” …what a lovely reminder that you can choose each & every day to live life with zest!
P.S.- Take risks!
Q: You are an inspiration! Can you give the readers a few last words of wisdom?

 A: Here are a few thoughts of wisdom. Daily reminders to nourish our spirit:

  • We all have scars. A reminder – always be kind, because someone we meet along the way may be fighting a battle we know nothing about.
  • Keep a grateful journal by your bedside; write down things you are grateful for in your life.
  • Making mistakes, failing, falling and getting up again is exactly what life is all about. It is about us learning and growing. Don’t allow your past to define you. Let go. Forgive.
  • Always surround yourself with love, removing negativity from your life.

Self-love does not come from writing a book, or from making a million dollars, or from buying a new house. Self-esteem comes from the loving choices we make every day – the choices we make that tell us… You are important. You are an awesome person. You deserve to have greatness, you matter!  Be Happy!

You can learn more about Christine Spencer, by visiting her website: or follow her Twitter account @girltimecoach.

To order a copy of “Your Roots are Showing”, you may click HERE.

You may try to win an autographed copy of  YRAS through a Rafflecopter giveaway !





5 thoughts on “An Interview with Life Coach, Author, and “Sistah”, Christine Spencer

  1. While I may be biased (Christine is my mom), this is one of the most inspirational and well done interviews I have read in a long time. Thank you Sarah for writing this and taking a step toward helping people and making this world a better place.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Craig says:

    You could not have picked a warmer, kinder, more inspirational person to feature in your blog. Christine will inspire and touch the hearts of everyone (men included) that give her the opportunity. She is my first wife, the wonderful mother of our beautiful daughter, and one of my closest friends. I will always love Christine for the woman she is and how she has touched my life. I encourage all to read her book and learn something about yourself and others.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sharon Tracey says:

    What an inspirational interview with one of the most beautiful, caring woman I have known and have the pleasure to be a part of my life. I am truly blessed to be able to call her my sistah, and my friend. Christine’s book is a great read that offers words of inspiration and encouragement.

    Liked by 1 person

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