Affirmations, Excerpt, and Giveaway…oh my!

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My First Attempt

Prior to the use of positive affirming statements, or positive affirmations, I struggled to compliment myself. As a matter of fact, compliments were something I didn’t accept well at all. Quickly, I realized positive affirmations were a fantastic starting point for someone in my particular situation. These statements make self-praise, and pride acceptable. They allow one to gain an understanding that it is quite alright to love the things that make you…well, YOU!


With Practice…

Practicing positive affirmation seamlessly leads into creating positive outcomes. This becomes most evident in moments when we find ourselves going to that “dark place” where negativity, and bad habits dwell. For example, there were days when I would tell myself I was not living up to a certain expectation, or standard. After having had practiced affirmations for higher self-esteem, I learned how to change my self-criticism for the better (quickly, and on the spot). I consider this action to be similar to a first-aid kit. Now, when I knock myself down with critique, I’m quickly able to replace it with a positive perspective.


Invest in Yourself!

What practicing positive affirming statements comes down to is very simple… YOU!

You are building your life. You’ll either build yourself up, or break yourself down. Invest in to five minutes a day of positive self-talk through affirmation. You deserve it!


An Excerpt from a Friend 

I recently posted a Q & A Session with Life Coach, author, and (now) forever friend of this blog- Christine Spencer. With her responses, Christine included the following:



Excerpt from the book, “Your Roots Are Showing”


A List of positive affirmations:

I will start this day by believing I am worthy of Love, Honesty and Respect.

•      I have the power to change myself.

•      I deserve to be happy and successful.

•      I can forgive.

•      I can make my own choices and decisions.

•      I am free to choose to live as I wish and to give priority to my desires.

•      I can choose happiness whenever I wish no matter what my circumstances.

•      I am flexible and open to change in every aspect of my life.

•      I act with confidence, having a general plan and can accept that plans are open to alteration.

•      It is enough to have done my best.



Christine Spencer wanted one of you to have a signed copy of her book! You may enter to win a copy of “Your Roots are Showing” by clicking HERE! To purchase your own copy…CLICK!





An Interview with Life Coach, Author, and “Sistah”, Christine Spencer


It all started about a week ago, with me sending a Direct Message on Twitter. This was the time that I had my initial contact with Life Coach (focusing on the well-being of women), author, and enthusiast, Christine Spencer. In complete honesty, I wasn’t expecting a response to my message, at least not so promptly. Not because Christine didn’t seem like a wonderful person, but mainly because people just don’t seem to have much time for others these days. You see, I was asking her to share some inspiration and wisdom with Most Life Sarah readers. This isn’t necessarily a simple task, but I was still hoping for the best! A brief moment into my hope, I received a more than enthusiastic response from Christine saying that she would be delighted to help! This was also the first time I learned about her love for the use of smiley faces ツ. Christine includes them quite often in her typing, causing me to find a smile across my own face.

All of our e-mail exchanges throughout the week were kind-hearted, encouraging, and professional. That’s just how Christine Spencer seems to come across in everything that she does. It’s no wonder her book “Your Roots are Showing” currently holds a perfect, five-star rating on Many of her book reviews even mention how once one begins reading “Your Roots are Showing”, it’s nearly impossible to stop. One particular reviewer, Kathleen Douglas, writes: “This book has attitude, personality and a quirky spark that only Chris has! I loved reading this book and it is something I will continue to reference throughout my life!” (WOW! Throughout her entire life!)

With nothing but positive praise on the insight Christine Spencer offers others, I was beyond eager to receive her reply to the interview questions I sent via e-mail. After having read, and reread Spencer’s interview responses, all I can say is this:

Please do yourself the favor of taking the time to read through her thoughtful responses here. Not only if you are in a state of struggle, but just because this is such an empowering interview. I truly feel like Christine’s advice will improve your outlook on loving yourself, loving others, and your perspective on attitude.


Q & A Session with Christine


 Q: At what point in your life did you decide Life Coaching was the path for you?

A: I have always felt the need inside to help people recognize their strengths and potential, exceptionally women, because I am one.

Many years ago, I worked for a corporation structured business, and during this time, it became clear to me that Life Coaching was a path I wanted to pursue. While designing training programs for this company, I was fascinated with how people in any area think and behave. I began studying psychology and behavioral change. This learning and studies helped me in my career of training, motivation and accountability, (nowadays, known as ‘coaching’). In this job I was in charge of leading approximately forty people in my department; having the opportunity to work with some amazing people, and yet, had no idea how incredible they truly were… that they contributed with great significance and worth.

No matter what you do in life, whether it is raising children, making seven figures, a front line key employee or entrepreneur… it all comes down to this; how we feel and think about ourselves.

A “Life Coach” can be defined in many different ways. Earlier in my career my definition might have been “helping others to achieve goals, dreams and desires”. But over time it has become much more than that, and I tend to look at things differently. Now, it is like a fire inside me… I am on a personal mission to inspire women in a movement of self-love and self-worth.

I’m passionate and an eternal optimist, and these traits allow me to live my purpose. Even though I’m still on my own journey of discovery, I have realized I have a gift; an innate ability to meet, relate to, and inspire people to achieve a higher quality of life, and to help others realize their own potential.

I can tell you this, Sarah. During my burnout recovery, I trained as a Life Coach and discovered, that each of us have our own ‘rock bottom’ (our story), our defining moment of courage. It is at these exact moments that ultimately lead us to our destination, our purpose in life.

I think back to all my trials and tribulations…I struggled, a lot, again and again! I feel strongly about trusting, it is all a part of the journey, our lessons. Some of these challenges will test our courage, strength, weaknesses, and faith. Along the way, we will stumble upon obstacles that lead us in a different direction; sometimes these hurdles are really a blessing in disguise (only we don’t realize that at the time). We must be brave enough to stand ‘rooted’ in the wisdom that there are no accidents and that everything is exactly as it should be. Today, I live in the moment. Every circumstance or situation is an opportunity to grow and learn, a chance to recognize our worth.

Life Coaching allows me to make a difference in helping others.

Q: Your book “Your Roots are Showing” has touched many women’s lives, why do you think that is?

A: Inspiration and encouragement are two words that come to the forefront.
These stories are a captivating collection of personal challenges, tragedies and triumphs; “Your Roots Are Showing” provides emotive insight and reflection surrounding real life experiences. The book is a compilation of real stories from real women sharing their most poignant, profound experiences. When shared, these stories substantiate the common bond of awareness to the pain of others, that brings back to the “root” of why we are all here – to learn from each other and ourselves. We all have stories, but to be heard brings a certain validation, purity and honesty to others.
Enthusiasm is one of those rare qualities that is genuinely transformative. I am definitely an Enthusiast ツ I have faith in people, empathy and compassion. So how amazing it would be that when we tell our story, we help ease the sorrow and pain? Through the sharing process, we heal ourselves, and help others find strength and solace. The purpose for “YRAS” is to make people feel like they’re not alone and not to give up hope.
Q: Women face numerous societal pressures. Is there a way to minimize the effect these attitudes may have on one’s self?
A: As women, we tend to not take care of ourselves, putting everyone else’s needs before our own. I am a big believer in you must love yourself first, before you can love another. Although peer-pressure may manifest negativity, conformity can be good or bad. We must trust ourselves to make choices that are in our best interest. “For many years I have been researching and experimenting, realizing that my belief system is what controls outcomes in my life. Is it a belief of a fact? Many of us take our beliefs and turn them into facts in our mind, and this can be the biggest issue in our lives and controlling outcomes. It is important to distinguish a belief from a fact.”
Every woman wears a ‘super cape’…don’t forget to love your badass with all its ‘perfect imperfections.’
Personal power is an inner awareness that makes us feel in control of our lives. It is a knowing that we can achieve goals, a conviction about who we are and our ability to get the things we want in life. We are empowered, giving us strength and clarity, feeling alive.
Ignore the critic; only mediocrity is safe from ridicule. Dare to be different.
As said so eloquently by the late, brilliant, Steve Jobs; “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your inner voice. And most importantly have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”
Q: What does “sisterhood” mean to you, and how can it be practiced?
A: Sisterhood to me means, the solidarity of women based on shared conditions, experiences and courage. It is sharing a safe place without judgment. It is girl-power. A reminder that the bond of strong sisterhood and girl-power can carry you through any challenges life throws our way! It means being there for each other, through the struggles we all face as we grow and we’re stronger for it. Sisterhood is the essence of the wisdom of all ages distilled into a single word. It is unconditional love, with no judgment. It is encouragement and celebration.
As the saying goes, “Don’t judge someone until you have walked a mile their shoes” – the ability to comprehend another person’s actions and emotions, basically it’s a switch in perspective; to develop empathy and compassion, discovering similarities not differences. I have worked all my life on two important things in life; I feel imperative to attain – Judgment and Forgiveness.
“Women who understand how powerful they are do not give into envy over meaningless things; instead they fight to maintain the beautiful bond of the sisterhood. There are the real women who know that we need each other’s love and support to survive in this world. Love is the essence of being a woman. We must be that light of love that seals the bond and unique beauty or our sisterhood.” – Bindu
We journey through life; going through trials and tribulations…I cannot begin to imagine not having the love and support of all my Sistah’s.
Q: The “Most Life Sarah” blog focuses on making the “MOST out of LIFE” through healthy habits. How is trying to maintain an active lifestyle related to being happy?
A: Having a healthy outlook on life and a positive attitude is one of the best self-care strategies you can practice. Health consciousness transforms how we feel about ourselves. I believe an active lifestyle encourages confidence, which allows us to become our best selves. A daily reflection of gratitude and appreciation also goes a long way toward improving your self-care, your self-worth, and your whole life!
Give yourself permission to add self-care to your life. It’s OK for it to be all about you sometimes. Think of self-care as any other act of nurturing to help enhance your level of health, wellness and happiness. And consider this in all areas of your life – physical, mental, social, spiritual and financial.
“Live life with passion and enthusiasm” …what a lovely reminder that you can choose each & every day to live life with zest!
P.S.- Take risks!
Q: You are an inspiration! Can you give the readers a few last words of wisdom?

 A: Here are a few thoughts of wisdom. Daily reminders to nourish our spirit:

  • We all have scars. A reminder – always be kind, because someone we meet along the way may be fighting a battle we know nothing about.
  • Keep a grateful journal by your bedside; write down things you are grateful for in your life.
  • Making mistakes, failing, falling and getting up again is exactly what life is all about. It is about us learning and growing. Don’t allow your past to define you. Let go. Forgive.
  • Always surround yourself with love, removing negativity from your life.

Self-love does not come from writing a book, or from making a million dollars, or from buying a new house. Self-esteem comes from the loving choices we make every day – the choices we make that tell us… You are important. You are an awesome person. You deserve to have greatness, you matter!  Be Happy!

You can learn more about Christine Spencer, by visiting her website: or follow her Twitter account @girltimecoach.

To order a copy of “Your Roots are Showing”, you may click HERE.

You may try to win an autographed copy of  YRAS through a Rafflecopter giveaway !





Granny Smith Apple and Blueberry

An experimentation with Fruit-Infused Water (Day 5)


This is the final day of my #5days5waters experiment, and I feel very satisfied both mentally and physically. Mentally, because I’ve learned many amazing facts about fruit, and fruit-infusions.  For instance, most fruits have anti-cancer effects due to the content of fiber and antioxidants these “superfoods” are packed with. I’ve also learned some fun facts! Did you know that strawberries are the only fruit that hold their seed on the outside of their skin? I didn’t…until this week. This #5days5waters has been physically fulfilling,  because I feel more alert, my thirst is quenched, and I feel lighter. I’m so enthralled to have chosen to take on this challenge, but I fear that my documenting it is coming to an end (for the moment). In case you’ve missed out on the DAY 1- Cherry and Lime, DAY 2-Cucumber, Lemon, and Mint, DAY 3-Pineapple and Nectarine, or DAY 4- Strawberry and Orange, feel free to have a look. Now, for the final review…


DAY 5- Granny Smith Apple and Blueberry

These fruits were very vibrant!

The made for a charming looking mix.

Ready to drink 🙂 .

The Final Verdict

Health Benefits:

Like most of the other fruits in the #5days5waters infusions, these apples are full of antioxidants. It is these antioxidants that lower the risk of heart disease, and diabetes. Apples are very high in fiber, and low in calories, so an apple as a healthy snack (rather than a fattening one), may help one reach their weight-loss goals. This crisp apple increases saliva production thus killing bacteria that is within the mouth. The Granny Smith Apple acts as a cavity fighter! However, when eating a food high in acid (such as a Granny Smith), it’s a good idea to drink a glass of water afterward. The high acidity in this fruit may lead to other dental problems (enamel loss). Apples may also improve skin quality, and can reduce the appearance of wrinkles. You’ve most likely heard the famous saying  “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, while that’s definitely an extreme, there are numerous vitamins that can assist in prevention of physical and mental irregularities. B-1, a particular vitamin found in these apples, reduces stress and tension!

Blueberries are a “superfood” commonly known for their antioxidants and vitamins. These berries assist in fighting cancer, and harmful viruses/bacteria that may be present in the body. Blueberries also assist with brain and eye health,  and digestion/ weight-loss. Blueberries are also a good source of Vitamin C and Vitamin E, iron, magnesium and potassium. These small berries contain salicylic acid, which has medicinal type results, such as blood thinning and pain relief.


Flavor Quality:

The apple and blueberry mixture was a pleasantly surprising one. The apple flavor was tart, yet slightly sweet. The blueberry flavor was subtle and somehow seemed to counteract some of the tartness from the apple. I enjoyed the infusion because it wasn’t as strong as some of the others I have been testing throughout  the week. This particular infusion is mellow and crisp, it actually reminded me of breakfast! Probably due to the ingredients that were involved. I’d enjoy drinking this infusion in combination with eating toast, or pancakes. I’d recommend taking the apples out after they’ve infused for some time because they seemed to start browning after about four hours (unless you plan to drink right away).

Flavor Rating: 3*** out of 5*****


Strawberry and Orange Water

An experimentation with Fruit-Infused Water (Day 4)



Four days ago, I started drinking infused water… every single day. Not only did I want to understand the hype surrounding these fruity-flavored waters, I also wanted to challenge myself. How could I give myself the ultimate fruit-infused water blogging challenge? The idea turned into something called “A water a day” or #5days5waters. I have been prepping, mixing, drinking, studying, and writing about various flavors. I’m delighted to share my results with you! If you want to start at the beginning of my journey, here is Day1, Day 2, and Day 3. Today’s flavor is…


DAY 4- Strawberry and Orange

So, at this point (already) I wanted a fruit salad.


 Like kids in a pool…

All dressed up!


 The Final Verdict


Health Benefits:

Strawberries are full of vitamins and nutrients. This fruit is a powerful source of  Vitamin C, and Vitamin K. They are high in fiber, which is necessary for healthy digestive functioning, and reduces cardiovascular disease . Consuming more strawberries reduces the risk of a heart attack, stroke, and lowers blood-pressure. The antioxidants found in strawberries also inhibit tumor growth, as they counter-act free-radical cell damage. Strawberries provide potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, and B-6. Oranges. much like strawberries, are a wonderful source for Vitamin C, fiber, and potassium. These fruits are sweet (literally) alternative for diabetics, as they are known to satisfy unhealthy sugar cravings. D-limonene, a substance which is found in oranges and orange peels, has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties.


Flavor Quality:

The strawberry in this beverage takes center stage, as the flavors are much more prominent than the oranges. An observation that was apparent was that as the strawberries infused more, the red color seeped into the water. So the strawberries seemed to be a dull, pinkish color after several hours. I wouldn’t call this beverage mixture super-sweet. It did have a light trace of sweetness. It was the flavor that made this infusion stand out. For instance, since strawberries are the only fruit that externally bears its seeds, their presence was obvious in each serving. Personally, I enjoyed that natural and rustic texture of these little bits of seeds I’d find every  so often. The orange added a soft, tropical-type flavor to the mix. The Strawberry-Orange Infused Water is a daytime type of drink. I can imagine serving this while relaxing on the porch, or when entertaining a small group. The finished product is very colorful, making it easy to present in an impressive manner!


Flavor Rating: 3*** out of 5*****








Pineapple and Nectarine Water

An experimentation with Fruit-Infused Water (Day 3)



The #5days5waters review is more than halfway done, and I can honestly say that I have been learning so much about the importance of incorporating fruits into my diet. For instance, fruits are low in calories, yet full 0f flavor and soluble fiber. This type of fiber not only promotes weight loss, but it assists with lowering high-cholesterol and blood-glucose levels. Basically, if you’re not incorporating raw fruit into your diet, you are missing out! Fruit-Infused Water contains many of  the same benefits as eating raw fruit. As you change what types of fruit you infuse your water with, you change-up the provided essentials. You can read about Cherry and Lime here, and Cucumber, Lemon, and Mint here. Here’s today’s review:

DAY 3- Pineapple and Nectarine

(in a water bottle)


Had to drink some of the water first!


…and then slice  fruit into very thin bits.



Hey…they fit! YES!

All the way to the top.

Placed the cap back on, and shook a bit.

There you go!


The Final Verdict

Health Benefits:

Pineapple is, of course, known for the sweet taste it provides. However, did you know that pineapple has anti-inflammatory effects? Therefore, people suffering from arthritis may experience some relief when snacking on this fruit. Pineapples have been used as a healing aid for quite some time now. It is said that consuming the juice of this Vitamin C filled fruit can speed up the process of a cough and/or cold. When suffering from nausea or morning sickness, it might not be a bad idea to give a glass of this juice a try, either. Pineapple is a celebrity when it comes down to easing digestive discomforts. The cosmetic purposes for using pineapple are endless. As a matter-of-fact, the fruit assists in preventing the breakdown of collagen. For those of you who are looking for a skin treatment, there are some great recipes on the web for  DIY facial masks. A mask containing pineapple is rich in Vitamin C and Bromelain (anti-inflammatory enzyme), both of which enhance appearance of the skin. Pineapple also improves the condition of your hair and nails.

Nectarines are a fantastic source of beta-carotene, which converts into Vitamin A after ingested. Beta-carotene offers good vision/eye health, and mucus membrane health. Like pineapples, nectarines also improve the quality of  the epidermis, and provide properties that strengthen the immune system.

Flavor Quality:

I drank half of this bottle of water before I went out for a run, and the other half after I got back. My two findings with this mixture were as follows: 1) This mixture makes for an excellent post-workout drink, and 2) The longer the pineapple infused into the water, the sweetness drastically increased. This drink is so light, and pleasurable because it almost felt as if I were drinking a tropical punch. Although this was not my personal favorite, it came in a close second-place. One of my taste-testers believed that this was the best infused water out of all five from #5waters5days. It would be safe to say that this infused water is a sure winner. This mixture would be most enjoyable post-workout, or for a mid-day energy kick. Pineapple and nectarine water is a  delicious addition to a brunch, or picnic with the family. I would even decorate it with a small, paper umbrella!

Flavor Rating: 3.5*** out of 5***


Cucumber, Lemon, & Mint Water


An experimentation with Fruit-Infused Water (Day 2)



Fruit-infused water has numerous health benefits. To find out more about what they can do for you, read my previous blog entry here. This week, I am reviewing a few of the infused water combinations that are popular on many wellness and culinary websites. I’ve decided to immerse myself in the world of this “superwater”, to relay my findings to readers.  I’m reviewing “a water a day” every single day this week. Monday through Friday. Today’s infused water is quite possibly the most popular on the internet! Here are my thoughts:


DAY 2- Cucumber, Lemon, and Mint


Three simple ingredients.


The fresh mint was so luscious.

All mixed together and ready to infuse!

The following day…

The Final Verdict


Health Benefits:

Cucumbers can prevent dehydration, due to their high water content. They contain heavy amounts of both Vitamin C, and Vitamin K.  Vitamin C (which is also found in the lemons) is a wonderful remedy for a weak-immune system, and for prevention of illness. Vitamin K helps with the building of strong bones, and prevention of heart disease. The Vitamin K found in cucumbers is known for stroke-prevention, maintains healthy blood pressure, and regulates the function of bodily organs. If you’d like to read more about Vitamin K, this is a great source. Cucumbers also contain Potassium, a mineral (and essential health nutrient) that provides assistance with brain-function. Cognitive brain-function is strong when potassium levels are high. Don’t forget to mix in the digestive abilities, skin-enhancing, metabolism-boosting lemons.

Then there’s the mint. Mint leaves contain anti-inflammatory properties, relieve stomachaches, and migraines. Chewing on a mint leaf is an herbal remedy for Halitosis, also known as bad breath.


Flavor Quality:

Out of all of the infused waters I’ve sampled, this was the most refreshing. It was very easy to drink because of the mint notes and crisp flavor of the cucumber.  I’d suggest making a batch of this water for a poolside party, or a picnic at the beach. This drink was best when served very cold. This drink has a very mature taste, reminiscent of a Mojito. If you are serving it up to children, I would suggest adding some type of sweet melon (cantaloupe or watermelon will do).  It was very quick to prepare and easy to slice, so cleaning it all up was a breeze.


Flavor Rating: 4**** out of 5*****




Refreshing, Delightful, and Detoxifying


An experimentation with Fruit-Infused Water (or, a water a day keeps the doctor away)


Fruit and/or herb pieces mixed into water (with or without an added sweetener) is known as “fruit-infused water”. These natural beverage mixtures are difficult to miss on the internet, as they have become increasingly popular at a fast-pace. For quite some time, I found myself adoring colorful and refreshing looking batches of these recipes in a spa or hotel lobby, but never had the chance to try them for myself. Once I did…I quickly understood the craze.

Fruit-infused water is packed with flavor, but not with the calories, preservatives, and harmful chemicals that artificially sweetened drinks contain. The benefits of infused waters are extreme in range! These batches detoxify, contain vitamins, antioxidants, assist with digestion, hydrate the skin, and the list goes on. If you are having a particular issue with a deficiency, there is most likely a powerful infusion combination that can help you get back on track.

It took me a span of a week to purchase, prep, and include wait time for these infusions to be completed. It definitely was a learning experience! Some of the flavors won me over, while other flavors needed something more. Each day this week, I will review a fruit-infused water. I tried and include photographs, discuss health benefits, and give a flavor rating. Let’s get to fun part.


Day One-

Water #1- Cherry and Lime

This got me thinking about all kinds of cherry limeade…
The end result looked promising!
The Final Verdict

Health Benefits: With sweet red cherries, that are deep (almost blood) red in color, come many health benefits. Antioxidants, and more specifically flavonoids (antioxidant compounds), are known for their effects to prevent and slow the spreading process of cancer. Cherries are also a great addition to one’s diet for alleviating pain that is associated with arthritis and gout. Melatonin, a chemical that is known for regulating sleep cycles (thus resulting in better sleep), is also present in these fruits. This fruity water combination includes limes, which like lemons, contain a high content of citric acid. Citric acid assists with fat-burning, and is commonly used to speed-up metabolism. Vitamin C is also present in limes, and is popular for the immune-system boosting power it provides.

Flavor Quality: I was honestly really excited to try this flavor, it seemed like the perfect summertime drink! My household agreed that this infusion could be quite delicious, but under the right circumstances. For instance, it definitely needed an added sweetener. This fact was surprising to me, mainly because of how sweet (and juicy) the cherries were as I was snacking on them. That sweetness didn’t quite carry over into the water as I expected it to. The lime flavor heavily outweighed the hint of cherry, which kind of defeated the purpose for me with this water. I feel like the cherry is so phenomenal on the taste buds, and I would have liked for that to be apparent with this beverage. It’s also important to note that these cherries do need to have the pit removed, and they do stain. So, I had to wear gloves and go through numerous paper towels as I was removing the pit and making cuts. In the end, I figure I’d rather make a full-on cherry limeade, but I do suggest incorporating cherries and limes into your diet in other ways. For me, I finished off the cherries as a snack, and that was very satisfying.

Flavor Rating: 2** out of 5*****


Workout Playlist


Follower’s Choice


To celebrate the launch of this blog, I wanted to make a mix for the readers/followers/supporters to use while working out. However, I wanted to be certain that you would enjoy it. I figured that I could guess what type of music you enjoy listening to while burning calories. That didn’t seem like a sure thing though, and after a few moments of thinking, the solution came to me. It felt proper to go to Twitter, and Facebook to just ask you. In return, I recieved numerous submissions, and I’m happy to announce that we have our first follower playlist! I decided to include the remix of each of your requests to make a higher BPM (beats per minute) workout (if I found a suitable and exciting version)!

Once I put everything together into a nice order, I wanted to make sure it allowed you to achieve a fast-paced workout…basically, I tested it out. How can I put this simply?…


According to my HRM (heart-rate monitor), I burned 635 calories in 60 minutes. It was a non-stop dance party, and a fun playlist collaboration.

The follower playlist consists of 16 songs (with one song being a warm-up and two for a cool down).

Click on the playlist below or Here it is.

We’ll most definitely have to do it again very soon!







Extra Power

Making an Energy Bite

On a sunny Monday afternoon, I found myself needing a little extra boost of energy. Just a push was needed, but not a full meal. I have numerous options available to me with all the energy bars on the market. These energy bars are now sold in most grocery food chains, and are quite convenient as a grab-and-go snack. Some people use these bars as a meal replacement, rather than a snack. I totally understand why, as they can become quite filling.

Today though, I just wasn’t in the mood to settle for the store options. I was craving more natural, less sweet, and just a bite. After doing some research, I discovered the perfect solution. It’s called an “energy ball” or “energy bite”, and I’m calling mine Most Protein Energy Bite. Sounds promising, doesn’t it? These energy balls are quite simplistic due to the fact that they only need few ingredients. Change them, tweak them, and make it your own!


For the Most Protein Energy Bite you will need:



Find yourself a nice big mixing bowl and spoon.
Add your oats and protein powder to the bowl and mix together (FYI: I use vanilla soy powder).
You need to add half of your peanut butter now. Save the other half for later!
Mix the peanut butter into your oats (and honey if you’d like) until it looks something like this.
Now, the sweet stuff goes into the bowl. Add all of the coconut flakes and chocolate chips. Mmmm…
To bind it all, add the remainder of your peanut butter until it forms into a ball…
…like this.
Grab a small handful of the mixture and roll away until you have formed a small ball shape. I don’t measure here, I just think in terms of two or three bites.

All done! Let them sit and solidify a bit (1+ hour ) before you chomp!


Take them to-go in a cupcake cup or…
…make a protein pop!

As is mentioned earlier, you can really experiment and make the bite the way you’d like it most. Add some dried fruits, or your favorite morsels. Add some peanuts, or almond slivers. Endless possibilities, really.







Why this Blog?

Here I am. In The midst of summer. There seems to be something different about this summer, but I did have the same thought last year. Summers are especially noticeable to me because my job is at ease; halted even. This season is a relaxing, and mostly productive time in my life. Often, I find myself dwelling on certain happenings or planning for upcoming family gatherings. MOST of the time, I find myself enjoying LIFE.

This feat doesn’t come easily, and I’m most definitely not an expert in easy living. However, I’m finding ways to make being alive the happiest, healthiest, and most organized it has ever been. It all started with strategic attitude shifting, and choice-making. All too often, I was the person with hate, or jealousy and I wore it like a nasty cold. Instead of being the change, I just wanted to see the change by doing almost nothing. This is where my “most life” comes in handy.

Some questions I like to ask myself on a daily basis:Are you doing something that helps you reach what you want to achieve?Does having this attitude benefit me in making this task easier?What can I choose to do to make me happy?Are my habits healty?

Healthy living, eating, relationships, attitudejust healthy “being” are what make me strive to live my life to the fullest adventure.

Join me as I try to make the MOST out of my LIFE!


